An Invite from the White House...

.. So what would you do if I told you I got past White House clearance and was 60 feet away from the President of the free world?


Well, that's sort of how it went...


I must admit, when the President first entered the room there seemed to be an electricity that spanned across the auditorium as a number of dignitaries entered and sat down quickly.

Obama went into detail about his passion for My Brother's Keeper initiative and the broadening of the Health Care system. The President also went into great detail about Voter ID laws and how access to the ballot is inextricably bound to the Civil Rights Act that we are currently commemorating its 50th year.

Obama stated that "The right to vote is threatened today in a way that it has not been since the Voting Rights Act became law nearly five decades ago,". Most of the President's critique were against his Republican contemporaries and their attempts to set further restrictions against voters, some of which only reflect the bi-partisan interests.

However, against such restrictions, Obama encouraged everyone in the room that they still have a duty to participate. Without participation, "we give our power away" by becoming discouraged and staying home on Election Day.

Go out there and vote. You can make a change. You do have the power - Barack Obama


"Go out there and vote. You can make a change. You do have the power," he said. "I've had my last election, but I need you to make sure that the changes that we started continue for decades to come."

These remarks were certainly powerful and inspiring.

What an amazing experience covering the 44th President of the United States of America.
